Sunday, December 31, 2006

2007!! i m here!

2006 ENDS HERE!!
gah now i m one year older, so happy but sad, sad but happy.
wateva it is .. school life ends there..
wat waiting me is new challenge and new life
so, I M ON THE GO!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

City and Life

I live in a city. WE live in a big city. It's so big that, i could never not hear any sound at all. Well, i suppose none of us liked soundless situation. It's very lonely..very indeed.

But. In this very big city, have u never felt the alone-ness before? I do. Sometimes in the bed, sometimes, even when someone's talking to me. How i hope that i can hear what u are thinking in ur mind, wat u say might be truth, or just words to suit the situation. As time goes by, I cant deny that I've become one of these people too.

If I were able to hear people's thought... will it do any good to me? I think. or, I suppose I prefer living in lies. Hearing what is suppose to be heard, isnt it better? Yeah, life will be much much better that way.

Imagine sitting in the street, hearing what is everyone thinking about you or someone else. Haha, then I'll be a very busy-body guy. Actually, I'll be killing myself with all this thoughts, full of even love or hatred. I'll enjoy guessing what's in people's mind , how interesting could that be for there is no answers for your question. It's like life, living till the end, always trying to get the purpose u are alive but u'll hardly get it.

I guess, standing in a very big and busy city, just looking at people passing by. Their face, their expression, their movements, their voice bring so much different to the moment, when u don't know what they are thinking. As the light from the lamp post and the moon radiates on these people, u know u are still alive.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

take me to the water

As I leave the leaf's edge, I feel such joy and proudness within myself, my round and shining self. However, such happiness doesnt seem to last long. I start to feel a certain uneasiness without being conscious of it. I miss my friends who are still on the tree and I want to get back there with my kind again. And suddenly, "plop", i fell into a pool of my kind. There, I meet my friends that left me the other second. Looking up at the greening leafs, I pray hard with all my heart to be together again with my friends up there on the tree.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Gay shitters

I want to bullshit. Please, shit with me.

Edwin is, yes, a caterpillar. The strange thing is.

He hates caterpillars. It's like, hating himself. He turns away in disgust everytime he looks into the mirror. Poor, poor chap. :(

Bertrand, on the other hand, is gay. Gay, nowadays, has a different meaning.

Gay, in the 2000s, is lame.

So, Bert here is Lame!

The end.

P.s: Eugene is gay too.

P.P.S: By the way, Stanley, also known as the Gayest Man in the Entire Solar System to the flizzow, is the bestest best gay, gayer than all the above mention (that includes me :[). Too bad he's human. If not, the butterfly would've polenated him.

Okay that was lame.

The ennndddd.