Friday, January 07, 2011

Cold waves in my life

In my nest

After coming this far, I sometimes wonder what I was working for all the while. I used to have all my plans in my head but I don't know if I am working my way to it because until now I don't exactly feel happy. At this very day, I somehow lost all my motivation and the direction of where I want to be tomorrow. I have no one, no where and how else in particular to explain my feeling at the moment. Writing this here in my blog now will not exactly make me feel much better but in the future I have to remember this day that I was this lost, so lost that I decided to write this. And to my future self, if you are in a much better situation at that time, do not forget that you were once lost. And to whoever who led me out of this pool of mud, remember to say thanks to him/her and thank God for bringing this person to me. That's it, I hope I will be able to get out from just reading facebook, twitter, blogs and forums everyday, a mechanism that I developed to run away from reality.